Have you ever picked up your horse’s hoof to clean it out and you notice the sole is darker than usual? You begin cleaning it out and it easily breaks or crumbles and a horrible stench is coming from it? Well, that would be called Thrush. Thrush is a bacterial disease caused by Fusobacterium necrophorum, found in the hoof of horses. It tends to specifically occur in the frog. Thrush is common in areas of wetlands and unsanitary conditions. The bacteria grow especially well in low oxygenated areas, therefore, muddy pens are notorious for causing Thrush. Thankfully, Thrush is easy to treat. First, clean out the hooves on a daily basis making certain to clean the two collateral grooves and central sulcus. Moving your horse to a dry, clean area will help as well. Using a topical treatment with Copper Naphthenate that brushes on over the frog such as Kopertox or D-Thrush will eliminate Thrush. With all the wonderful showers we have been receiving, protect your horses hooves with Thrush treatments. You can find it on our website under Horse Health or simply on the shelves in the store! Click on the link to shop for your Thrush treatment today.