How to tie your rope halter

stacey |
Rope halters are great for training horses, but you have to know how to use them. It's a little more open for interpretation than your standard buckle halter. Here is a really quick video showing how a rope halter is tied. The close up image of the knot should help to illustrate it as well. First you run the tail of the crown piece through the small loop. Next you wrap the tail around under the loop and then push it between the loop and the top piece. You will end up with the loop pointing up with nothing above it. This is very important in case your horse sits back on the halter. If you have the halter tied incorrectly, you can't loosen the knot. When tied properly like this, you simply push the loop part back towards the horse (you can see me do this in the video at the 10 second mark) to loosen the knot up a little bit. Then you can usually untie it with ease.