Leather Care Tips for Muddy Gear

Shelbi |
Do you have to check your cattle out in the mud? Or maybe you have to get in that practice pen and it is just a little bit muddy. Then you know how muddy your saddle can get. The ground may not be very muddy but it looks like your horse rolled in the mud with the saddle on. Here are a few tips on how to clean your saddle.
1. Mix your saddle soap and water according to the directions on the product of your choice.
2. Take a soft nylon brush and clean the saddle using just enough pressure to work up a lather with the soap and water mixture. (Get every single part, especially those that touch the horse or have extra mud splattered. Easiest way is to take all detachable pieces apart.)
3. With a sponge and non-soapy water clean the areas you have lathered up. Make sure to get all the soap off the saddle and don’t be afraid to use extra water. It will not hurt the leather as long is has a chance to dry and is not kept in a wet environment.
4. Allow to dry completely
5. When completely dry apply your favorite leather conditioner in generous amounts as long as it will soak in and not pool on top. Allow it to completely dry again.
If the mud and grime is really caked on your cinches and other removable parts you can mix a bucket of warm water and some Ivory soap (neutral pH that will not harm the leather) and then dip into the bucket and the soap will loosen the dirt up to make it easier to scrub off. Once get all the mud off go back with the steps above.
Here at Coolhorse we offer many varieties of leather care products. You can view our full selection here if you would like to try a new one, or even restock your old favorite.