Let’s talk ticks.
stacey |
Scientists have predicted 2017 to be the worst tick season in years. The reason comes from the warm winter we experienced, and the increasing temperatures. Our warm winter allowed the mice population to grow and expand over the U.S.. Mice carry many diseases and with mice come ticks.
Common diseases transmitted by ticks
Lyme Disease:
Affects: Humans, horses, cattle and pets.
Affects: Humans, horses, cattle, and pets.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever:
Affects: Humans, dogs (purebreds have severe reactions)
Ticks prefer wooded and highly vegetated areas. Some require moisture to survive.
Ticks travel up horses legs and like to stay in armpits and hard to reach areas on animals.
Handy Products to Help:
Absorbine Ultra Shield Green
Farnam Centaura
Farnam Equi-Spot
Durvet Power
Freedom 45 Spot-On