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How to Grow Your Horse's Mane and Tail

Shelbi |

Have you ever wondered how show horses have beautiful, thick, drag-the-ground tails and manes? It first starts with genetics. Some horses just don’t have the genes to have a thick mane and tail like others do. The next thing we need to look at is what makes the mane and tail grow. Biotin is a key ingredient in hoof care products that also helps the mane and tail grow faster. They are made with the same nutritional building blocks as the hooves. Here are a few great supplements that have high amounts of Biotin to help with growth; Horseshoer’s Secret, Nu-Hoof Maximizer, and Sho Hoof. To help keep each hair in the mane and tail from breaking off, a good shampoo and conditioner is a necessity. When the hair is soft and conditioned, it makes it harder for the hair to break off. This breakage can quickly ;eave you with a thin, short tail. We offer several options in shampoos and conditioners in our store including Mane’n Tail, Cowboy Magic, and Healthy Hair Care Products. We have several people that ask if they should braid their horses mane and tail or if it is better to leave it down. Once the mane and tail are conditioned, I suggest you braid the mane to keep the moisture in. However, once the mane dries out, it could do more damage because the hair rubs together causing the hairs to break. Same goes for the tail. However, several companies have made tail bags that allow you to divide the hair into three sections and then braid the tail. This prevents the tail sections from rubbing together and breaking off. You can find these tail bags in brands such as, Tail Wrap Inc. and Sleazy Sleepwear for Horses.