Bit Guards

stacey |
Bit guards are often used for two purposes. First, they can keep a horse from lipping the bit. If a horse is preoccupied by lipping at or chewing on the bit, they are not paying attention to the rider and ready to respond to cues. Preventing this distraction can help your horse become more responsive. Bit Guards also help prevent a bit from pulling through the horse's mouth. A curb can help with this as well if you anticipate this being a problem.
There are two main types of bit guards. The original style is single piece that you have to soak in really hot water to soften it. Once it is pliable and stretchy you stretch over the bit rings. After it cools back down it will become more rigid and stay in place. Other styles Velcro around the mouthpiece or even have a latching mechanism molded into the rubber. Both styles work in the same way and serve the same purpose, and can be a great addition to your bits.
One of our favorite bit guard styles can be found here.