Less than $20.00, a few minutes and a couple of steps could possibly save you and your horse from serious injury or death from electrocution. The cause is typically faulty or improperly wired hookups we plug into whether it happens to be Fairgrounds, Campsite, RV Place or even a residents it needs to be checked. So before you plug-in to any outlet you should always check it first with an AC Outlet Circuit Tester , like this one from Prime Products. It has simple to read with Red and Amber lights indicating if it is safe or not to plug in to that outlet. The AC Outlet Circuit Tester is simple to use just plug it in and see how it lights up, if it is safe you are ready to plug in, if it is not safe, simply move on or run a generator, but DO NOT plug in. We here at Coolhorse suggest before you even plug in, safe or not, that you unload all livestock from the trailer, just in case. Just another safety tip from Coolhorse Trailers.